Seasonal Events

Happy Halloween!

Okt 31, 2023 • 1 min read

Neuigkeiten sind momentan noch nicht auf deiner Sprache verfügbar, weshalb sie auf Englisch angezeigt werden. Wir entschuldigen uns für die Umstände und werden uns bemühen, die Changelogs in der Zukunft auch auf deiner Sprache verfügbar zu machen.

The entire Xenyria Team wishes everyone an amazing and spooky Halloween! 👻



Hello everyone! 🎃

It's that time of the year again: Spooky day! And even though we weren't able to put together a special Halloween event this year, we're still here to spread the spooky spirit.

No matter if you're going trick or treating in a costume, attending a lively Halloween party with friends, or simply cozying up at home alone with your favorite spooky movies and treats, we wish you all an amazing day today! Regardless of how you decide to spend it, we hope your Halloween is a memorable one filled with fun and a touch of the scary.

However, please remember to ensure your own safety, as Halloween is one of the most exciting yet potentially dangerous days of the year! So, stay cautious out there, and may your Halloween be filled with thrilling adventures and unforgettable memories.


about the author


I'm Creative Lead & Community Manager at Xenyria. I also do web development and various management duties. In my free time, I like to work on creative projects and watch cartoons.