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Game Compatibility Guide

Jan 31 • 4 min read

A short guide on how to solve mod/client compatibility issues to get the best possible game experience.





Xenyria uses various technical tricks to provide players with the best possible game experience within Minecraft's technical boundaries. Despite our best efforts, there are certain client/mod combinations that result in incompatibilities with the technical tricks Xenyria uses. This guide is intended to provide transparency to which setups might cause issues and help with resolving them.


Minimum System Requirements


Every experience on Xenyria is regularly tested for function and performance to ensure that players have the best possible experience on the server. The minimum system requirements for playing on Xenyria are as follows:

  • CPU: 2nd Gen Intel Core i5 Processor with at least 4 cores. (e.g. i5-2400 or equivalent)
  • GPU: OpenGL-capable graphics card with at least 2 GiB of video memory (NVIDIA GTX 750 Ti or equivalent)
  • RAM: 8GB
  • OS: <Same requirement as Minecraft: Java Edition>
  • Storage: <Same requirement as Minecraft: Java Edition>
  • Connection: At least 200 kib/s of bandwidth (up & down), wired connection strongly recommended.

(Integrated Intel GPUs are not supported and will most likely result in a crash when trying to load the resource pack)


All our testing is done on a system that has:

  • Hardware specifications equivalent to the minimum system requirements
  • A fresh Minecraft installation created with Prism Launcher. Both Fabric & Sodium installed for better performance.
  • A fresh Windows 10 installation with latest drivers and updates installed.


However, hardware is not the only factor contributing towards how playable every experience on Xenyria is.



Modifications that are known to cause issues


Due to Minecraft's vast eco-system of community-made modifications and clients, we are simply not able to test every existing combination of modifications a player can have installed. Here is a list of well-known mods and clients that aren't fully compatible with Xenyria:


  • ImmediatelyFast: Alters the rendering behaviour the GUI which is known to cause issues in the past. Updating this mod might resolve the issue.
  • LabyMod: Completely breaks overlay rendering which results in a unplayable game experience. It's therefore not possible to join with this client installed.
  • Feather Client: Playable experience, certain inventory menus might be hard to read due to blur effect.
  • Vulkan Mod: Crashes on join.
  • Lunar Client: Playable experience, certain inventory menus (e.g. superjump menu in PaintSquad) are not fully functional.
  • Badlion Client: Some items might be offset (e.g. PaintSquad charger ironsight model)


This list is not exhaustive, but merely the game modifications that we were able to test. If you're currently using one of the listed modifications, we suggest disabling them before joining the server to get the best possible experience.



Setting up a recommended install of Minecraft: Java Edition


In order to make it easier for users to setup a new install of Minecraft with all of the mods we recommend for use, we've created a Modrinth Pack that can be loaded by the Modrinth App or Prism Launcher.

This Modrinth pack includes a clean installation of Minecraft: Java Edition with Fabric & Sodium installed. You can download this pack here.

To install this pack, you need to first install the Modrinth App and log into your Microsoft account. After that, you should be able to just double-click the mrpack-file. The Modrinth app should then take care of setting up a fresh install of Minecraft for you.





User Interface invisible or obstructed by glitched graphics or text

This is most likely the result of using either unsupported mods or, in rare cases, unsupported hardware. Try to run a clean installation of the game without any modifications to see if that resolves the issue. If the problem persists, we recommend sharing your game's log file with the staff team on our Discord server so we can take a better look at the problem. Alternatively, you can also contact us via E-Mail.


"Failed to reload resources" / Failed to apply resource pack

This error can occur when the game fails to load the server's resource pack. Most of the time this happens when:

  • The game either can't load textures due to the GPU not supporting textures of a certain resolution.
  • The game can't compile shaders due to various reasons.
  • The game is unable to download the resource pack from Xenyria's resource pack backend.

In some situations, installing the latest graphics card driver or using a vanilla install of the game can help to solve this issue. However, if this turns out to not help we recommend sharing your game's log file with the staff team on our Discord server so we can take a better look at the problem. Alternatively, you can also contact us via E-Mail.

This issue can also occur when Xenyria's resource pack backend is currently offline. In this case, we suggest waiting a few minutes before trying to join again.



That concludes our compatibility guide for Xenyria. We hope this guide helps you with getting the best possible experience on our server. For additional support, consider joining our Discord server.

about the author


I am Founder and the Development Lead of Xenyria, so I'm responsible for developing new games, features, and services for Xenyria. I love pushing the boundaries of Minecraft.